Module 01 Course Project – Provision in the Affordable Care Act Module 01 Course Project – Provision in the Affordable Care Act

Module 01 Content Instructions This assignment/project will cover the length of the entire course with a portion of the project due each module. You will select a role and address the assignment each week from that perspective. The project will require you to assess the impact of a specific provision included in the Affordable Care … Read more


Please follow directions or I will dispute  Will be checked for plagiarism  Page 1 Original Forum with references  page 2  Micheal response with references  page 3 Joshua response with references  Original Forum  Logistic Job-Norfolk Southern Railroad  (TRAINMASTER) This week, please share your experiences in landing a business or logistics job.  If you are currently in … Read more

Organizational Change Application

 Effective leaders and managers are skilled at diagnosing organizational challenges and leading change initiatives. In this paper, you will apply the knowledge you have gained of organization change by developing a proposal to implement a change initiative in a specific organization. The proposal will identify an organizational challenge, diagnose the organization’s need and readiness for … Read more

PRQ practical connection

Course : Project risk and quality management subject area:   Knowledge of project uncertainties and project risk. Identification of risk management plans, processes, and tools in relation to project management. Knowledge relating to assessing, addressing, and managing risk. Knowledge of probabilistic Monte Carlo Methods and analyses Understanding of analysis reports and decision-making factors Knowledge of … Read more

PRQ final paper

  . Provide an example of the upside of risk and explain the concept. 2. Explain how Enterprise Risk Management varies from traditional risk management? 3. What are five examples of internal and external drivers of an organization’s risk culture? 4. Provide an example company, give a description of the organization and its work area. … Read more

PRQ – research PPT

 You are the new project / quality manager at Health Clinic Quality Improvement Experts LLC, a local company for the past 12 years in the Indianapolis, IN area.  Your first assignment will be for the Dr. Donald Snickerbush, Hamilton County, Colonoscopy Clinic. The clinic has five teams performing colonoscopies at their Carmel, IN facility. Each team … Read more