managing people

   For this major project you are asked to develop a Human Resource plan/audit. You can think of this as preparing for a new business you want to start, or a review of the business where you currently work, or a review of a friend’s business or non-profit. This major project will assist you with … Read more


in 2 pages    Provide some brief details for each item that is outlined.   Outline that itemizes concepts learned in the course ●      Include information (findings, conclusions) about sales  ●      Brief details for each item that is outlined ●      Place-holders for material not yet covered  ●.What skills and traits have been found to be relatively … Read more

decision processes

  Hiring Standards a.     What signifies as a qualified candidate? Methods of Identifying Final Choice (what method will you use for narrowing down the candidates?) a.     Random selection b.    Ranking c.     Grouping d.    Ongoing hiring Decision Making Efforts a.     Who will participate in the hiring decisions (HR professionals, hiring managers, VP, etc.)? b.    Will diversity … Read more

Week: 4

Part: 1 Discuss why the dividend payment process is so much simpler for private companies than for public companies. Note – Please note that the requirement is to post your Initial Response (250 words). Make sure you write these answers by conducting some research and cite both textbook and external credible sources. Part: 2 Please … Read more

Own Airline Company

You are the manager, supervisor, director, owner, etc. in charge. The student will start their own airline company. The body of the paper will consist if the following:  1. Determine the vision of the company as a start-up.  2. What key moves did the student make to strive to be number one in the industry?   3. What different challenges … Read more

PRQ – problem set 5

 #1OverviewOver the past few decades, one of the most common types of projects within a business is the development of a new piece of software to facilitate a certain facet of business operations. This assignment entails a project concerned with the creation of a new version of business expense software for the entry of, tracking … Read more