Discussion 3 response 1

Codes in Pathology and Laboratory/Organ or Disease-Oriented Panels (80047-80081) describe panels of tests often ordered together. Please give an example and provide any guidelines that were stated along with your code. Reference Carol J. Buck, Saunders (2022).  Step-by-Step Medical Coding, 2022 Edition, by Carol J. Buck, Saunders


Part 2 Budget Estimating (30 points) Using the same scenario from the previous unit on scheduling, create a time-phased budget for the following project.  Prepare a figure like Exhibit 10.9, CPT 4e, that illustrates the daily and cumulative costs for the resource-leveled project.   Assume the following hourly rates: Alcides $45 / hr. Joan $50 … Read more

Population Based Nursing 2

 Select a major health problem that has been identified in the community (e.g., adolescents: accidents, especially in automobiles; substance abuse; suicide; homicide; unintended pregnancy).  Propose population-focused interventions that may alleviate this problem.    Respond using APA format. Word count 1000 words Utilize 3 or more  peer review articles            

Discussion responds 2 wk 1

Read classmates post and respond with at least 100 words: The four types of examinations are problem focused, expanded problem focused, detailed and comprehensive. The types are based on the extent of the history during the history taking portion of the physician-patient encounter. Both problem focused and expanded problem focused levels are defined as a limited examination … Read more

Discussion week 1

The levels of E/M services are based on four types of examinations. Please list and define each one post should be at least 100 words The reference at the bottom of your post should appear as follows: Reference Carol J. Buck, Saunders (2022).  Step-by-Step Medical Coding, 2022 Edition, by Carol J. Buck, Saunders

Discussion wk 3 response 3

Read classmates post and respond with 100 words: Combination coding is a single code that fully describes the conditions and manifestation (Buck, Saunders, 2022). Multiple coding is when it takes more than one code to describe the conditions and manifestations.  An example of combination coding is E11.321.  This the code for Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative … Read more


  Use the information presented in the module folder along with your readings from the textbook to answer the following questions.      Define the following terms: sterilization, disinfection, and sanitization.  How are each of these terms different from one another?       Compare and contrast selective media and differential media.  Give examples of each type of … Read more

Discussion wk 3 response 1

Explain combination coding and multiple coding. Give an example of each in your response.Use your own words when writing your post. The reference at the bottom of your post should appear as follows: Reference Carol J. Buck, Saunders. Step-by-Step Medical Coding, by Carol J. Buck, Saunders

Discussion wk2 response 3

Read classmates post and respond in 100 words: The eight steps of accurate coding are to identify the main terms in diagnostic statements, locate maing terms in the alphabetic index, reviewing any subterms under the main terms in the index, following any cross-reference instructions, verify the codes selected from the index in the tabular list, … Read more