Lack of education

The Global Societal Problem, Argument, and  Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.). Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance. Must include an introduction and … Read more

Literature Review Part II-Social Psychology of Self-efficacy

Literature Review Part II Final Project: Creating the Literature Review Section This week, you will develop Part 2 of the Literature Review section. While developing Part 2, use the following guidelines: Find at least two articles on the selected topic (Social Psychology of Self-efficacy)using (EBSCOhost or ProQuest).  Write a short summary (one to two paragraphs) … Read more

week 3

Scenario Design and Analysis For this assignment, you will identify the main concepts and terms learned in this week’s online lectures and textbook readings and create a fictional scenario (may not be related to actual individuals). You will use the following guidelines while writing your scenario: Background: You need to describe the demographics of individuals … Read more

MSW-6003 v3: Professional Practice with Organizations and Communities : Week 1 – Assignment: Discuss Ethical Use of Technology in Macro Practice

 INSTRUCTION For this assignment, consider how macro social work techniques can fit into your practice and how you can integrate these to make a difference in the communities you serve.  Prepare a brief reflection paper addressing the following: Begin by describing the roots of macro practice in the history and development of social work as … Read more

Social Responsibility exercise

Answer the following four questions on proper waste disposal and recycling.  Your personal stance on corporate and civil responsibilities for proper waste disposal practices and recycling. Clearly explain, with supporting reasons, why you believe this social concern is important. You also must include a clear and balanced understanding that there are varying perspectives that may … Read more

Review the section in “What Is Culture?” that discusses the concept of “cultural relativism,” particularly the claim that the concept is a “double-edged sword,”

Review the section in “What Is Culture?” that discusses the concept of “cultural relativism,” particularly the claim that the concept is a “double-edged sword,” in light of the social constructivist view of social problems that you’ve learned in this unit. Together, these concepts suggest that identifying and criticizing social problems will not only differ from … Read more

On the Job!

 For this assignment, examine and discuss an incident at work in which the (lack of) equality of opportunity was evident. Be sure to define the term equality of opportunity in your assignment. Your assignment can be written in the first person and include anecdotal evidence. While the perspective may be your own, construct a persuasive … Read more

Unit 6 Assessment – Written Assignment HR310-7

Executive Compensation Article Review- Navigate to the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business Website linked below and review any article covering executive compensation from years 2015- 2018. After reading, please provide the following required information listed below (in no less than 500 words; in your own words. Refrain from plagiarism): Bibliographic Information Title of Article … Read more