discussion post

  A young person is caught stealing a bicycle. It is the individual’s first criminal offense. Using what you’ve learned, address the following: How would the legal system have dealt with the youthful offender in the early 20th century compared to now? Which of these approaches do you think is the most beneficial to that … Read more

juvenile justice writing

  While on routine patrol for the Anytown Police Department, you notice a group of what appears to be three underage male teens and one female teen standing along the outside wall of a local convenience store in a poorly lit area. Because it is 1 a.m. in the morning on a Friday, a violation of … Read more

Writing help 250 Word count

Week 2 Discussion Board: One of Adler’s contributions to psychology is the idea of goals or telos. In your own words, describe how you understand Adler’s understanding of goal or purpose (telos). How does that concept relate to motivation? Read Genesis 1:26: “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so … Read more

Psychology Four pages

The purpose of this Four-pages is for students to explain functioning of brain areas and describe potential consequences from brain trauma, taking into consideration research and faith integration. See attachment for description DUE FRIDAY MAY 13, 2022 ***Don’t accept if you can deliver **Original work *No plagiarizing

Writing help 250 Word count

please address the following two prompts in your initial post. Be sure to include numbers (1, 2) to organize your post. 1) Describe the experience of Phantom Limb. What kind of sensations can be felt in the missing limb? At the synaptic level, what happens that causes these sensations? 2) In terms of treatment, why … Read more

Should Books Be Banned From a School District or College? If So, On What Basis? If Not, On What Basis?

Objective: to learn about and write on one of the Research Project prompts/questions. Deadline: there are two deadlines for this assignment (Thursday for your initial post, and Saturday for your two replies) Points: 5 for your response; 2 total for your replies. Instructions:  Listen to, read, and watch all of the resources listed below.  Then, … Read more

Should Books Be Banned From a School District or College? If So, On What Basis? If Not, On What Basis?

Objective: to learn about and write on one of the Research Project prompts/questions. Deadline: there are two deadlines for this assignment (Thursday for your initial post, and Saturday for your two replies) Points: 5 for your response; 2 total for your replies. Instructions:  Listen to, read, and watch all of the resources listed below.  Then, … Read more

Week7 Q1 and Q2

1. What does Prof. Ceas say about art in the contemporary context?  How does it relate to her concept of “metamodernism?”  How does metamodernism compare with “postmodernism”? 2. Choose two of the artist statements . To what degree do these statements help illuminate the actual artistic production and creative vision of the artist in question?  … Read more