ANT 102 Discussion 1

1. If, as Franz Boas illustrated early on in American Anthropology, cultures are not isolated, how can ethnography provide an account of a particular community, society, or culture? 2. In your own words, what is culture? Do non-human primates have culture? If so, what evidence do we have that primates have culture? Provide 3 concrete, … Read more

Cultural Considerations IP4

 Deliverable Length:  4-6 pages   You, Mike, and Tiffany meet in a conference room to begin to assemble your final presentation. This presentation will be the project deliverable, so you want to make sure you have provided all of the requirements. Mike begins, “I think we’ve done some pretty good analysis on our strategy. We just … Read more

African Culture and film analysis

        I’m working on a project in African Studies and I need help from a tutor to assist my work. The work should be 4 pages and citing from two films and three readings, double spaced. Please refrain from citing outside the syllabus unless it builds directly on an argument developed through a close analysis of … Read more

Code of Conduct

  Acting as the new principal of your school, and incorporating your Clinical Field Experience information, develop an original student code of conduct that aligns to the school’s vision and mission, promotes every student’s academic and social success, and establishes a positive learning environment conducive to protecting students and school personnel. Include the following sections … Read more

Discussion 4

Choose a work from this lesson that illustrates a significant cultural influence on its creation and discuss its historical context. How did the culture in which the work was created influence the work? (What particular ideologies played a role in its creation and where do you see this influence reflected in the work you chose?) … Read more

Cultural Factors in Business

Cultural factors play a large part in the daily operations of the firm  in differing communities. Understanding these cultural factors can be a  key part in the firm’s acceptance and success. Visit suggested sites and  articles in this Module. Feel free to explore the online library or  internet for additional sites. Look at the three … Read more

Culture and Climate

An educational leader promotes the success of every student by building a student-centered culture that is inclusive, inviting, and supports the personal and academic growth of all. This culture is visible and communicated through the school’s mission and vision, as well as through practices, policies, and procedures that align to them. Observe the culture of … Read more

Creating an Ethical Culture Anthony

Introduction In the global economy, we see law and ethics wrestling with similar issues; laws from different jurisdictions and ethical codes from different cultures may clash or not connect. How can these parallel systems be reconciled? Considering the legalities of ethics and how the two are intertwined reveals insights into how ethical cultures are fostered. … Read more

Culturally Competent

 Describe your acculturation experience as a new graduate to the culture of the nursing profession. How is it similar or different from the acculturation experience of a new nursing colleague who joined your team within the past year?   Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style with support … Read more

What would you do to transform the culture in the NFL organizations to prevent sexual assault?

Assume you are in charge of one of the major professional sports organization (i.e., National Football League, Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association, FIFA, US Gymnastics).  The issues of domestic violence & sexual assault have existed for some time but meaningful change has not yet occurred (e.g., NFL has taken some actions but baseball is far … Read more