Discussion Ethics

Big Pharma Drug Price Increase:https://www.medicarerights.org/medicare-watch/2022/03/10/drug-prices-already-rising-in-2022 Explain the possible implications of the decision to raise drug prices. Should the decision be purely about healthcare, or should there also be a profit maximizing consideration in the decision-making process. Many price setting decisions are made by the executives of a company. What responsibility do lower level employees have … Read more

disscussion ethics

  Address the following questions: Can there be toxic leadership without toxic followership?  Why or why not? Why is it important for followers to be authentic? How do you decide when it is time to exit an organization/to have the courage to leave? Support your answer.

ethical dilemma

Describe a situation of ethical dilemma that you have experienced in practice and how it was resolved. (Saunders, 2014) Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.

Discussion 4

In 400 words or more, answer the below statement using at least two scholarly citations and your textbook (attached). The citations must be in the current APA format. As an employer wants to reduce the production cost during the economic recession, he/she could choose to (1) lay off some workers without changing wages or (2) … Read more

Intro ethics Discuss W5 Discuss

  Speak to the idea of feminism from your perspective and what you are learning from it. As always, be kind to each other, and do not try to argue classmates out of their experiences, and do not go beyond questions asked by generalizing about all people in a certain group. 1. What were you taught … Read more

business ethics homework

   THE HISTORY OF BUSINESS ETHICS AND STAKEHOLDER THEORY IN AMERICA Based on your readings, describe what you consider to be the responsibility of top leadership in a large organization with respect to reaching a balance between profits and stakeholder concerns. Please support your position by giving some examples from the text or from other … Read more