IHP 670 Logic Model

  Overview So far in this course, you have identified a health or healthcare problem and completed your needs assessment for this program. Also, you explored various program planning models and compared them to evaluate their strengths and limitations. Now, you are ready to design your program model. Based on the findings from your program … Read more

Assignment 3

2 Parts: Assignment and Powerpoint: A COPY OF THE ASSIGNMENT IS ATTACHED PART I Using the Grand Challenges for Social Work Statement “Policy Recommendations for Meeting the Grand Challenge to Smart Decarceration”, choose one of the four policy recommendations suggested to answer the following sections listed below. Please use additional research and resources to support … Read more

policy and finance

  write a proposal identifying a significant quality issue that you will research for this project.   Be sure that you address each requirement.  Use headings to differentiate each topic areas.  In your proposal, provide the following information: Write an introduction to the Quality Benchmark Project. Describe the quality issue to be addressed. Provide background information … Read more

Research homework

  Using feminist theory, critical race theory, or a social constructivist theory, evaluate social policies affecting Hispanic children and families in your agency and community contexts. If you identify gaps or barriers, suggest recommendations that may have a more positive impact in serving Hispanic populations. Using critical thinking skills, identify and describe how a proposed … Read more

3-1 Module Three Project Preparation

  In your Module One Project Preparation assignment, you identified a health or healthcare problem in the community. Then, you justified the need for the program to address the identified problem. you will define, analyze, evaluate, and use the program’s outcomes to address the identified healthcare issue. Your senior management wants you to identify specific … Read more

Outline (Week 5)

  HSM 410 Week 5 Course Project Outline                                                                 Criteria                                       Ratings                               Pts Outline It is expected that the Outline is submitted in a formal                              50 pts       0 pts outline format as demonstrated below. Your outline should show              Full          No  enough detail to demonstrate that you have begun thinking about the      Marks      Marks organization of your paper … Read more

DB – Policy Implementation and Improvement – No Format required

Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: As a new healthcare leader … Read more