week 3

 , review the web pages APC (Ambulatory Payment Classifications) FAQ (Links to an external site.), Demystifying MACRA, QPP, and MIPS (Links to an external site.) (which has the e-book available for free download), and Ready or Not, Here Comes MACRA (Links to an external site.). Additionally, it is also recommended you consider reviewing the Reimbursement Systems and Reimbursement … Read more

Statistics project

Confidence Intervals-Statistics and Probability To produce a successful project you must: Background: For this assignment, you will use a StatCrunch file containing the survey results dating back to 2004 for two questions from the GPSS. The first asks, “In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an independent?” If … Read more

Financial markets

What role do primary financial markets play in the current economy? What role do secondary markets fill? Describe the relationship between financial institutions and financial markets and suggest a method by which this relationship could run smoother. Support your rationale with at least one citation from the literature.

week 2 disscusion

  lectronic data interchange is the transfer of data between a health care provider and a payer, such as Medicare, resulting in faster exchange of information. Use the Electronic Billing & EDI Transactions (Links to an external site.) information to address your assigned option from the list below. Your discussion assignments follow:

Models of Grieving

  Explain how you would apply the grieving model you selected to social work with families in a hospice environment. Explain why you chose this grieving model versus others. Identify elements of the grieving model that might be difficult to apply to your social work practice. Explain why you anticipate these challenges. Analyze how diversity … Read more


Watch the video below on the work of Robert Sapolsky who studies stress (this is a short version; if you want to see the entire video, you can find it here https://youtu.be/ncYMV4DXCMU . Begin your paper by defining stress in your own words and discussing your reaction to the video. 2. Complete the  Life Experiences Survey  and consider the stressful events … Read more

MSW6003: Week 2 – Assignment: Critique a Community Concerning Effective Engagement with Members

  When you are engaging communities, it is important to understand the nongeographical factors within the community (e.g., professional, spiritual, ethnic, racial, sexual orientation). For this assignment, build on last week’s work to explain how you will engage a specific community.  Assume you have been asked to describe your community to a new potential employer … Read more


PERSUASIVE SPEECH – “MONROE’S MOTIVATED SEQUENCE”You will persuade your audience (the class) to change their mind on an issue, change their behavior, or purchase a product.INSTRUCTIONS LENGTH – Your presentation will last from three to four minutes. Any longer or shorter may reduce your grade. AUDIENCE – Try to have a minimum of 5 audience … Read more