Week 12 Critical Thinking

The “Monday Musings” court group meets each Monday at the Rutgers Moot Trial Court. The participants fluctuate from week to week, but Daniel, William, Phyllis, Sharon, and you comprise the nucleus of the group. Each week one of  the group takes the lead in the discussion, presenting the fruits of their study and leading the ensuing discussion. … Read more

Case Study Week 10

Case Study: Life Course Theory A case study is an open-ended learning activity (i.e., a problem is presented that precipitates discussion) in which the participant must enter into the character of someone in a real-life situation and then reflect on what he/she would do in that situation. Read the case study associated with this discussion and then … Read more

Week 14

Chapter 12 Part 1 of 2 This chapter focuses on Prison life.  It discusses prisoner rights, prison culture and subcultures as well as the issues that face prisons today.  What are prison subcultures and how do they influence prison life? How do they develop and what purpose do they serve? Remember your initial post is … Read more

Week 11

Chapter 9 Part 1 of 3 This week’s chapter discusses the sentencing aspect of the criminal justice system.   Traditional sentencing options have included imprisonment, fines, probation and death.  Historically, the range of these options changes based the understanding of crimes and the goals of sentencing.  Sentencing philosophies or the justification on which various strategies are … Read more

nursing models

 For this discussion, in three to four paragraphs, contrast two nursing models and theories found in your reading. Discuss how they are similar or different in the way the define/discuss health and wellness, illness, the client, the environment, and nursing. Summarize by selecting the one model or theory that aligns best with your beliefs and … Read more

250 word discussion respond Reply to two students 50 word each

**Due By Saturday April 23, 2022 no later then 5pm Pacific USA time **No plagiarizing Over the past several years, some important fields of scientific study (e.g., climate change, evolution) have become entangled with ideological agendas. Unfortunately, when scientific findings have political or religious implications, stakeholders tend to react emotionally, displaying either unquestioning acceptance or extreme skepticism, depending on their own ideological perspective. This creates a … Read more

See Direction and attachment

See Direction After reviewing this week’s learning materials, in no less than 250 words, please address the following three prompts in your initial post. Be sure to include numbers (1, 2, 3) to organize your post. Also, in your initial post, include the word count of your answer (not including the prompts/questions) and include page … Read more