HRM Capstone IP1

Managers are often faced with ethical dilemmas in organizations. They often use ethical decision-making tools to help them make appropriate choices. Then, they have to effectively communicate their decisions to their employees. An organizational culture that has integrity is often driven by managers that demonstrate values and strong ethical standards.  Please review the following articles … Read more

Journal Article Review Presentation On ONE Organizational Leadership Topic

You are ONLY supposed to review ONE article which is related to organizational leadership. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (8 slides minimum) that presents a synopsis of an article from a peer- reviewed academic journal. The article should focus on “organizational leadership topic”. The article needs to have been published within the past 10 years.

Journal Article Review Presentation On ONE Organizational Leadership Topic

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (8 slides minimum) that presents a synopsis of an article from a peer- reviewed academic journal. The article should focus on “organizational leadership topic”. The article needs to have been published within the past 10 years. You are ONLY supposed to review ONE article which is related to organizational leadership.

Journal Article Review Presentation on ONE organizational leadership topic

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (8 slides minimum) that presents a synopsis of an article from a peer- reviewed academic journal. The article should focus on “organizational leadership topic”. The article needs to have been published within the past 10 years. You are ONLY supposed to review ONE article which is related to organizational leadership.

week 2 discussion

 Prior to beginning work on this discussion, review your sources from last week and any subsequent research you have conducted in your progression towards the Capstone Doc, due in Week 5. In this discussion, present a synopsis of at least two scholarly and/or credible sources you intend to use in your Capstone Doc. In your … Read more

Negotiated capstone project

This is my another assignment How is relationship with the land essential to indigenous culture and self determination ? The teacher told to change the question for the project she advised to submit a draft The teacher need to include a brief literature review in the project to balance the topic The teacher can … Read more

Program Capstone Unit 5

Assignment Details  By now, you have completed the following sections of your project (i.e., a scholarly business plan): Title Page Executive Summary Company Summary Financial Statements and Projections Market Analysis Market Strategy Operations Management and Implementation Plan Evaluation Plan To this, you will add segment H: Recommendations and Additional Competencies. Using course work and making … Read more