Powerpoint (NO MORE THAN 10 SLIDES)
Powerpoint Using attached case study (linked below) AND 2 other sources create a powerpoint OUTLINE is attached https://www.yumpu.com/es/document/read/63745121/gaaaa
Powerpoint Using attached case study (linked below) AND 2 other sources create a powerpoint OUTLINE is attached https://www.yumpu.com/es/document/read/63745121/gaaaa
This presentation should be 12 – 15 slides long in addition to a cover page and a reference page. Use bullets on most slides following the Rule of 6, but each page should include a note section (VIEW/NOTES) with at least 150 words in addition to the slide. Cite your work, limit quotes, and … Read more
Select either female offenders or offenders with mental health disorders for this assessment. Research the historical context for treatment of your selected population as well as their special needs. Review the literature on treatment programs intended for your population. Select a program that has empirical support for its effectiveness. Your selected program should be relevant … Read more
For this assignment, you design a 1 hour psychoeducation training on a topic of your choosing related to sexuality. You may choose to develop a presentation on any topic related to human sexuality but must include a discussion of cultural diversity and advocacy as related to that topic. The project must include both PowerPoint slides … Read more
Scenario Health organizations continue to face challenges relative to costs and revenue. Changes in reimbursement structure is most often cited as one of the biggest challenges for providers. As a result, leaders are developing new approaches aimed at creating additional revenue streams. Traditionally, hospitals have operated on profit margins that are often described as challenging. … Read more
Competency Assess the causes and consequences of historical events on the U.S. healthcare system. Evaluate the current financing and reimbursement models within the U.S. healthcare delivery system. Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare. Assess the roles and impacts of various stakeholders within U.S. … Read more
Issues and trend nursing class. Create a ppt with the template provided and follow the instructions in the picture provided. She said 8 slides NOT including the title and reference slides. Slides are bullet-pointed and on the bottom of each slide where it says “click to add notes”, you put speaker notes so basically talking … Read more
You are tasked with creating a cloud based disaster recovery plan for your organization. Your job is to not only sell the idea but also to provide details regarding the varying threats to the IT data center infrastructure of your company and recommend cloud-based solutions to mitigate those risks. You will create a presentation for … Read more
For this assignment, select a character education program appropriate for your school’s culture. In a 12-15 slide digital presentation, develop a proposal to the curriculum director or site administrator proposing that the character education program be implemented schoolwide. Your proposal must incorporate school-based data and evidence-based research to substantiate what you are proposing. Include … Read more
Assignment Content Change management is key to ensuring that an organization remains adept in providing state-of-the-art health care. As the world changes and communities evolve, patient and personnel needs require fresh and effective ways to meet them. Operating as a reactionary wears heavily on organizations and leaders. Planning for innovation and its diffusion breathes … Read more