chronic illness and rehabilitation

Develop a realistic case and Identify a chronic illness and its relationship to rehabilitation. Could be from a previous experience on your career. Identify chronic illness and its relationship to rehabilitation. Choose from one: COPD, CHF, Stroke, Hip fracture Create interventions that support an older adult’s adaptation to the chronic illness or disability. Describe the … Read more

Final Project

  Based on this article, complete the following: Describe and summarize the theory or theories used in this article and name the social science discipline they come from.  The theory is that more social anxiety symptoms result in more harmful drinking and negative consequences. These people have more problematic drinking patterns than those who exhibit … Read more

Revision of Factual Analysis for Proper Citation

Step 1 Read and Review: “Legal Citation & Research: The Bluebook & Nexis Uni” “Introduction to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation” “Proper Case Citation: United States Supreme Court Cases” View Bluebook Video Tutorials: “Bluebook Tutorial: Case Citations,” Georgetown Law Library, Georgetown Law, 2019, “Bluebook Tutorial: Statutory Citations,” Georgetown Law Library, Georgetown Law, 2019, … Read more


Topic: Impact of Divorce on Children  Assignment #2  2Pg Use the topic and answer these questions below:  How has the problem been addressed so far? What has been the result?  Who are the stakeholders? Are there opposing sides of the issue?  Are there marginalized voices that should be included? Must answer these questions thoroughly.  Focus … Read more

Theoretical Framework

Develop theoretical framework  The purpose of the theoretical framework is to tie the dissertation together. As the researcher, you should approach the proposed research from a theory or set of theories that provide the backdrop for the work (researchers do not create theory; they use established theory in which to embed their work). This section … Read more

Help with assignment

Trace the critical junctures and Champions of Women’s Peace & Security throughout history that led to the enhancement or worsening of human rights regarding gender and sexuality in the socio-economic and legal fields. The country chosen is: Mexico It is important to: Review the research objective of tracing women’s socioeconomic and legal status within your chosen … Read more

Help with Draft

Design of an Intervention for Immigrant or Refugee Family or Community  Students will research evidence-based practices with specific problem area(s) with the selected  client-group and develop an intervention depending on the student’s chosen field of practice and  skill set. It will be important to integrate interventions that incorporate practices that address  individual, family, community and … Read more