
Write an Executive Summary on the “The Operation Overlord Case Study” through the NCO C3 lens of Communication. Your task is to participate in lessons within the MLC, complete your required readings, and then analyze a required case study with a directed focus using one component of the NCO common core. You will then summarize the … Read more

reflection st wk 1

write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. write about what you felt was most significant to you. What were the most important concepts you learned? The differences between a clinical nurse leader and the traditional advanced practice nursing roles. That at one point the clinical nurse leader was not considered an advanced … Read more

Art analysis paper 1

From one and half pages to two pages. Choose one work that particularly engages you. Take time to look at the work in detail; include a picture of the work. Ask yourself: “How does the piece ‘work’? What is the artist doing? Why do I have a particular response (such as joy, fear, curiosity)?” Your … Read more

Writing help 300 Word count

After reading the interview with Dr. Derald Wing Sue about Multicultural Competence in Counseling, please share 2-3 concepts from that interview that were new insights or novel ideas that you hadn’t considered much before watching. Please elaborate on some reasons for why awareness and skill in multicultural counseling is vital within the field.  Also, in Ch. 2, … Read more


In a two paragraph response for this Discussion Board, think of a time in your education when you experienced a teacher presenting a formal lecture. What class was it for? Did you learn the material well or not? How did you go about learning the material?

Crime Control Strategies (Links to an external site.) Discussion Question 1: Read the above article and then on your own rank the responses 1 through 10 (with 1 being what you think would be the top response).  Then explain why you chose your #1 and #10.  Initial response should be at least 250 words in length.

Crime Control Strategies (Links to an external site.) Discussion Question 1: Read the above article and then on your own rank the responses 1 through 10 (with 1 being what you think would be the top response).  Then explain why you chose your #1 and #10.  Initial response should be at least 250 words in length.