Help with summary

  Think about the people close to you. Is one of them currently experiencing a major life challenge (e.g., new baby, loss of a loved one, loss of a job, mental illness, graduating from college, etc.)? Describe the challenge they are experiencing. Then write ~500 words, providing them with FIVE unique pieces of advice: After … Read more

Critical concept in nursing assignment help

   PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to explore a critical concept in nursing. The student will be able to demonstrate application of information literacy and ability to utilize resources (library, writing center, Center for Academic Success [CAS], APA resources, Turnitin, and others) through literature search and writing the work. Course outcomes: This assignment … Read more


  The gangs in your town have become increasingly more violent over time. There have been several serious incidents of violence and drive-by shootings, an increase in drug traffic, and attempts to recruit new gang members in the local middle and high schools. In the past, your local police department chose not to partner with … Read more

HELP with research project

  You will have the opportunity to design an independent research paper that is relevant to the course material, i.e., about the definition of life; the fundamental properties of life on Earth; the search for life in the Solar System and extrasolar planets; properties of the Earth; and search for live among the stars. This … Read more


 Describe the way irony is used in a short story. Analyze how that irony creates meaning. How does using irony work to create meaning in a shorter work? (examples: Flannery O’Connor’s short stories, or Mark Twain’s). 


 Single parent families: The rise in divorce has created many more families headed, at least for a while, by a single parent. Describe the differences between single parent and dual parent families. Analyze the effects of single parenting on children, on the experience of the parent or on schools and communities. 

Help with homework

1. Describe the mental health disorder (e.g., anxiety, depression, feeding/eating) you chose.  2. What resources are actually available to help someone who thinks they might be suffering from this? Choose two levels of resources to examine:  On campus In the community/city/region At the state level At the national level 3. To whom are resources available? How can … Read more

Origin of Buddhism

 Siddharta Gautama: Buddhism grew out of the ancient Indian tradition and emerged around 500 BC. Little is known about the founder of the religion Siddharta Gautama himself, whose later honorary name was Buddha (Sanskrit “the enlightened one”), from later writings: Siddharta Gautama was born in 560 BC in what is now Nepal, the son of … Read more