Global Right

1.Identify a compelling social issue related to global rights you would like to address. For example, requiring to wear a mask, abortion, etc. Pick an issue that has not been addressed. 6-8 pages, instruction detail in the file attached. 2.After completing the writing, create a oral script for the writing, including thesis, research idea, conclusion, … Read more


 Topic-Macronutrients and Their Impact  Create a PowerPoint presentation of no less than 12 slides total including Title and reference page that reflect your understanding of the three macronutrients discussed in this module: Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins. Be creative! Each slide should include information about each macronutrient. Definition of the macronutrient inclusive of its function and … Read more

Individual Proposal Part II

 Instructions In one to two pages describe the specifics of what your project is intended to accomplish and how. For your project description you will want to briefly state your proposed solution to the problem. The project description should communicate what you want to accomplish (the goal) with specific objectives (the what) and activities (the … Read more

250 word count Read Question for direction

So far, we have discussed the ways that scientific findings can complement Scripture, check our interpretation of Scripture, and provide reliable frameworks for understanding much of the world around us. However, some argue that science has limitations, particularly in the areas of ethics and morality. For example, science can tell us how atom bombs are … Read more

Two separate assignments see Attachments and Question for details

Two part separate Assignment help Part 1 – Discussion Topic Sexual dysfunction 250 Word count – See the Attachment for instructions Part 2-  Three pages Topic the various influential factors of Schizophrenia – See the Attachment for instructions DUE Wednesday April 6, 2022 By 3pm pacific standard time Don’t accept assignment if your not able … Read more

Character Analysis Assignment Help

   1. How would you describe the shape and articulation of your chosen character’s melodic lines? Are they long/short phrases? Legato/staccato? Simple/complex? Conjunct/disjunct? How would you describe the range? 2. What might the shape, articulation and style of these melodies communicate to the listener about the character as a person? Do they parallel any specific … Read more